Absolute Aromas: Eucalyptus Globulus Oil
SKU: AA-T109
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Eucalyptus Globulus Oil
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This is Eucalyptus 80/85, which refers to the eucalyptol content in the oil (80-85%). Other companies may supply an inferior quality known as 70/75. There are many hundreds of different types of Eucalyptus that contain high levels of eucalyptol, but Globulus is the most popular. The Chinese production's quality is good, and very consistent.<p>
Eucalyptus is well-known for its clearing and anti-septic properties and is thus extremely useful during the winter months. It can be very effective in a steam inhalation to help congestion. Try adding 2 drops Eucalyptus, 1 drop Roman Chamomile and 1 drop Lavender to a bowl of just-boiled water. Lean over the bowl (not too close) with a towel covering your head and inhale the vapours for a few minutes. Alternatively, blend the same oils in two teaspoons of Sweet Almond oil and massage into the chest and back.<p>
Blended with Citronella or Cedarwood in an oil burner, Eucalyptus can help maintain an insect-free BBQ! Alternatively, try the lemon-scented Eucalyptus Citriodora as a very powerful natural insect-repellent.